The website is developed by using C#.NET Framework4. School Management Web Application for all schools in TURKEY. The e-okul project has approximity 20 million student 1 million teacher 50 million parents
The website is developed by C#.NET Framework4. Istitutions and Employees Management Web Apptilcation. Mebbis project has approximitly 100.000 institution and 1 million employee
The system is developed by C#.NET Framework4. Computer Based official Driving Licence Exam System. It covers 2 million applicant each year
Web based Payment Portal for Ministry of Education for exam invigilators. Module in Mebbis.
C#.NET MVC. Online Book Seling E-commerce Website. It is directly connected to accounting system via API's. It produces invoice automaticly for each sale. It has Online Credit Card Payment System. Website is connected to cargo system by API's.